ARN Innovation Awards 2018 at Hyatt Regency Sydney

What did you love about the venue for creating an event?

The grand hotel entrance, along with the location. The venue is also reliable, has high ceilings and offers accommodation.

How did you decide on the theme for this event?

We work with The Collaborative, a creative alchemists and event engineer’s team.

ARN Innovation Awards

What inspired you with this event?

Fashion Week.

What was your favourite part of styling this event?

Stage backdrop and ceiling installation.

What part of this event was unique?

The theme and backdrop.

What are your favourite themes to work with?

Anything new and exciting.

What are your tips for ensuring an event runs seamlessly?

Attention to detail, communication, problem solving, negotiation, multitasking, budgeting, creativity, set your staff up to succeed, use technology to streamline event logistics, plan ahead and plan for the unknown.

ARN Innovation Awards

What are your 5 tips for planning an event?

1. Plan ahead and plan for the unknown

2. Start with the dream then get real, it’s easier to edit than to add.

3. Know your budget and be strict with the budget, choose a reliable venue, deal in detailed contracts.

4. Minimize on last-minute changes.

5. Embrace multitasking whilst keeping a sense of humour.

Who were the clients you worked with for this event?

The Collaborative and Encore.

Where do you gain inspiration from for look and feel of events?

Pinterest, social media (Instagram) and Fashion Week.

What has been the most outrageous item you have been asked to have at an event?

A client once asked for all the lights on the cruise ship to be turned off, as it was interfering with the ambience of the event. The event wasn’t on the cruise ship.

ARN Innovation Awards

What are the current trends?

1. Meaningful Diversity in Programmes & Panels | Diverse speakers nurture new views and ideas – engaging a wider audience, fed up with all-male panels.

2. Conversations, not presentations | When attending a presentation, delegates want to vote, ask questions, and add their thoughts in real-time.

3. Extraordinary venues for extraordinary conferences

4. Event app reach the next level | Event apps will begin to incorporate networking, integration, AR and VR functionality.

5. Event apps for data collection | Organisers will use data from every tap, scroll and swipe to improve their next conference.

6. Virtual Conferencing gains ground | Improved live video and VR technology means anybody with a smartphone can attend, or event present at, your next conference.

7. Create a community & extend the conference | Organisers will create platforms to engage and connect delegates, all year round.

What does your typical customer look like?

APAC, channel professionals (Vendors, Distributors and Reseller Partners).

What has been your most expensive event?

EDGE, is an action packed 4 day conference. High-level content and compelling insights, keynotes from inspirational leaders, business presentations, workshops and sessions, formal 1;1 meetings, ice break sessions, informal networking, activities and the EDGE cup.

How early do you need to start planning for an event?

Depends on the size of the event and all the elements, the average would be 8 months.

What could typically go wrong at an event?

Unexpected weather, attendees drop out or no shows, a speaker drops out, speaker goes way over time, scheduling is off, technology failure, event is short staffed, delayed flights, major transport disruption.