Unforgettable Events: 5 Ways to Create a Memorable Brand Experience 

How do you ensure your key messages and relationships with attendees, guests and visitors last long after an event is done? Memorable event branding. The world’s best brands rely on having strong, attractive brand identities. If you’re unsure if yours will make the right – or any - impact, perhaps it’s time for a rebrand (or at least a few tweaks or modern updates) before you launch into your next major event? Once you’ve got your identity sorted, here are some key ways to make sure that your brand cuts through the crowd at events.

  1. It seems obvious, but the main thing to begin with is that you choose speakers, sponsors, activations and partner brands to work with that align with your own brand and your event’s messages and goals. Make sure they’re really on board with the program too! Most of your invited speakers could be just right, but that one speaker who is mismatched or is simply not up to standard is the one who attendees will remember. The keys to success here are devoting time to in-depth research, building authentic relationships over time, having a clear event vision and communicating with clarity before you even approach outside collaborators.

  2. Think of the aesthetics. Create large-scale visual draw-cards that instantly showcase your brand and its message. Bonus points if they can be seen from almost anywhere in the room. Examples could be a giant lipstick model at a makeup event, live fashion window displays at a design event or an over-sized ice sculpture of a feature product at a food event. If these visuals are somehow interactive or immersive, even better. Installations should reflect your brand’s official colours, design briefs and can include your logo. Not only do they make an impact and add to the atmosphere, but smart placements are magnets for photos and videos; attendees will spread your message far beyond the event venue’s walls through social and other media.

  3. Get personal. Give the attendees something they’ll love and take home to remember you by. Photo-booths with cleverly branded printouts or branded biscuits, candles, wine bottles or sweet treats are popular choices at the moment. On-site monogramming or personal customisation of products can make the experience extra special. Avoid offering “clutter” items, like pens or magnets that usually get thrown in the back of a drawer or thrown out. Things that are consumable or make memories are effective. Most importantly, make sure items are aligned with your event – logo lollies don’t work for a wellness event, for instance.

  4. Don’t be afraid to be seen. Put your logo everywhere that’s possible. Banners, signage, booths, flyers, brochures, staff uniforms, badges, lanyards, napkins, food and drink containers, barriers, kiosks and posters - the placement possibilities are endless. This helps attendees to remember your brand and to associate the success of the event with it. Remember, half the battle when it comes to branding is name recognition.

  5. The saying is true when it comes to branding, consistency is key. Every touch-point where an attendee comes into contact with your logo or brand at an event should look the same or be in line with your branding guidelines. First and foremost, consistency makes you look more professional and helps to deliver your brand and message more smoothly. It also speaks to reliability and quality. So keep your logo the same dimensions, colours and resolution at all times. Think about professionally printed signage for everything versus hand written. And thinking more broadly, do the furnishings, fittings and bumped-in elements of the event, or your place within it, match your brand’s style? 

Use the above checklist as inspiration and you could turn an average event into an unforgettable one!